29 September 2008

Formula 1

you see the Formula 1 race that held in Singapore yesterday? I watched that on TV last night. Singapore grand prix is F1's first night race. I heard that this is because time difference between Singapore and Europe. If night race held in Singapore, the time in Europe is day time. It is good for Euros. But in Japan this is not big change.

Because most of F1 races are held in Europe that time in Japan is night. Then most of races are airing at mid-night in Japan. Airing time is really good because I'm not always at home on most of day time. Then I can watch it.

I like Felipe Massa most. He is driver of Ferrari. And his name is smiler to my name Masaya. Then I'm cheering him. But he couldn't win the race last night... 

Of course, I'm cheering for Kazuki Nakajima too. Because he is only Japanese who is driving in F1.

Thank you for your reading!
Good day & Peace and Smile!

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