29 May 2009


Haruki Murakami's newest novel "1Q84" is now in stores. 29th May is the day of release but some stores started to sell it on Wednesday. Also, many fans reserved it before its release. On Amazon.co.jp the novel became the No.1 before its release. I'm also big fan of Haruki Murakami but I didn't reserved it on Amazon.co.jp because I believed that I can buy it on bookstores today.

I had some classes today then I went to the college. When the lunch time I had an extra time to go out side then I went to the nearest bookstore to buy "1Q84". But there's no "1Q84". I asked the clark, she told me like "It's sold out till 11 am"... Then I couldn't buy it at that time.

After the class, I went to the other bookstore. Then I found it. I could buy it today. :p
I wanna read this story right now... Then I will read it when I'll finished posting this article. lol

Anyway, we can read "1Q84" as "1984" in Japanese. Because "Q(kyu)" is similar to "9(kyu)". Before its release, the Shincho-sha(新潮社) the publishing company didn't make its detailed ads. Because many fans don't want to know about its story. But its sales will be really nice I think. That's because this is the first work in this 7 years.

I don't know when this novel will be translate but it will be translated soon, I think.

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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28 May 2009


A year and half ago, I bought my MacBook. Mostly, I'm posting my articles from this MacBook. Of course, I'm posting today's article from this MacBook too. Not only the blog posting, I'm using my MacBook to make powerpoint, reports, etc. I think, I'm using my MacBook everyday... Then my eyes went bad. lol

Anyway, the MacBook is changing with the times. Apple updated MacBook several times after I bought my MacBook. I heard that they updated the MacBook again this week. Then they reduced its price...

Now we can buy MacBook with better specs than mine and with cheaper price. Of course, my MacBook is not so bad. I'm not worrying about the capacity of HDD because I can buy extra HDD. My MacBook has 2GB RAM then it is not so bad. But there's a one big problem that I can't solve with my MacBook. Graphic chips... The newest MacBook includes NVIDIA GeForce 9400M.

I don't know exactly about GPU but I think this chip will solve the problem. My problem is the noise. When I play YouTube or other HD movies or editing large photos on my MacBook the problem occurs. Noisy...

But mostly I don't watch the movies. Then if I stop watching YouTube or HD movies on my MacBook, my problem will be solved. (I think, this is not solve just sidestepped.) Anyway, if the I can buy white MacBook in 2010, I might buy it in March or April. Until then I will use my MacBook and keep posting my blog.

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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27 May 2009


Japanese government is now planning to build the new public facility in Tokyo bay area. They call it "国立メディア芸術総合センター(National media art synthesis centre)". (This is not exact name...) In this centre, they are planning to exhibit mangas, animations, CG arts, games, etc...
I think, this is useful to attract people from all over the world. But...

They need 11.7 billion yen (about 120 million dollar) to build it. Some say, it's just public comic cafe and this centre might weight on operation of private comic cafe.

But we are in economic recession. Then this plan is not suitable to Japan now. Of course, aggressive investment is important but this plan is not effective, I think. Today the DPJ's new leader Yukio Hatoyama asked Japan's prime minister Taro Aso about this. I don't know this plan will be realize. How do you think? Do you wanna go there?

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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26 May 2009

Buy bicycle

These days, I'm planning to buy new bicycle. I usually go to the college by bicycle because it is the fastest way to get to the college. Of course, I don't need any payment if I go to the college by bicycle. Now I'm riding granny's bike but I wanna ride more cool bike. I need to ride bicycle about 20 minutes to get to the college. So, I rode bicycle about 40 minutes every day.

If I can, I wanna buy road racer. But it's a little expensive and I think it's not suitable for me. Because the road that I always use are not so good to ride road racer...

Of course, the road paved but it's bumpy... If I ride road racer, I must take care about tire. Then I think, cross bike is suitable for my use but I'm just thinking about that...

Anyway, I hope I can post about that when I bought new bicycle. Wait a minute, please... lol

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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25 May 2009

Media pandemic

Japanese media is now broadcasting about H1N1 everyday like successive attacks... They likes masks especially TV. They love that.

WHO have not changed their phase of pandemic alert to 6 yet. I think, they will not change their phase of pandemic alert to 6.

WHO didn't treat H1N1 like pandemic but Japanese media treat it like pandemic. I found the blog who wrote about this. He is Japanese but he is not in Japan right now. If you want to, you can check his blog on http://blog.honeyee.com/ttakashiro/archives/2009/05/11/post-124.html.

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!

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22 May 2009

Different domain

I'm majoring electronics engineering. Sometimes, I need to make presentation in some classes. I made a presentation today. Most of case, I used to use PowerPoint when I make presentation. But today, I couldn't use PowerPoint because the teacher didn't allow to use the PowerPoint.

He said, the ability that make a presentation without using PowerPoint is important. I think so too. Mostly, we need to take a long time to make PowerPoint if we use PowerPoint on our presentation. We must cut these time to learn, study or think more to make a presentation.

BTW, in today's class, we need to make a presentation about the religion in the world. I think, it is very rare class because Japanese don't like to take these classes. Japanese people's religion belief is different from the one in Europe or other countries, I think. We don't go to the church on Sunday, we don't pray (sometimes, we pray but they are not related to religion), we don't Ramadan fast... And there are no religious education in every public schools and some of private schools. Including my college.

Anyway, I made a presentation about the Borobudur Temple compound today. I've never been there but I was wondering about the Borobudur Temple compound. Then I tried to make a presentation about that. I felt that it is difficult to make a presentation without using PowerPoint. But I think this was a very good experience for me.

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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21 May 2009


I'm a freshman of my course. But I'm 20 years old now. I think, most of 20 years old people are now third grade in the university. There is a very complicated story... It is hard to explain about the college that I'm in even in Japanese... So, I won't write about that on this blog...

Anyway, today is the day of admission examination of my course. Of course, I had it last year and I don't have to take that test again... But there was a big one problem. Last year the examination held on Saturday, then there's no problem for the class or researches. But today is not Saturday. We have some classes. But we need to go outside during 13.30 to 16.30... We can't even go to the library during this time...

So, I came back after I had classes. Now, I'm posting my blog...

BTW, I might join the English speech contest that will hold in summer in my college... One English teacher told me about that today. If I can, I will do it..

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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20 May 2009

5 months

(image from toyota.co.jp)

On Monday, Toyota released new Prius in Japan. I think they are in the difficult situation to sell the cars in all over the world including Japan. But they are not so worrying about the sales of new Prius...

My friend who is considering to buy new car told me the story that he heard in the car dealer. According to his story, there are many people who want to buy Prius. But dealers of Toyota is accepting the reservation of this new Prius.

Even in these recession, their sales of Prius is really nice. They already accepted over 80,000 orders. Now we need to wait for 5 months to get new Prius in Japan...

Of course, I don't have a much money to buy this Prius. Before that I don't have to drive a car in my daily life... There are many transportation way like trains. And my college is near my house then I can go there by bicycle. The bicycle is eco-friendly than Prius.. :D

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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19 May 2009

Better than TV?

After the spreading of H1N1 virus, most of TV shows are broadcasting about actions that we should take against the H1N1. But mostly they are half formed. I think, they are not useful to take action quickly.

On the other hand this video on YouTube.com is really formed and useful. But they are all in Japanese... Because this video was made by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. I didn't know about that but they have the channel on YouTube.com.

I think, this video is useful. Please watch it! But they are all in Japanese...

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!

Sorry but I couldn't upload the file then check it on "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4citqUnYOk"
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18 May 2009


Most of newspapers had started to use H1N1 virus or new influenza virus. They stopped using the name "swine flu". Anyway, this weekend H1N1 patients increased extremely in Japan.

The number of H1N1 patients was only 4 on last Friday. They are all came back from Canada. And Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare blocked them. They had to stay in the hospital near Narita Airport.

But on Saturday, 8 new patients found in Kobe. They are all high school students. I heard the news at this morning. At that time the number patients was about 80. But now the latest number of H1N1 patients is 135. They are mostly teenager. And they are in Kobe and Osaka. (Except first 4 patients in Narita).

And today's newspaper. There's one big picture, there are a lot of people who are wearing mask. It was extraordinary spectacle... Especially, today's highest temperature was about 28 degrees (celsius). I think, it's hard to wear the mask...

But we need to be careful about this H1N1.

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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15 May 2009

Eco point

From today, the Japanese government started the new policy to boost the economy. But this time they are caring about ecology too. "The eco point." If we buy new eco-friendly home electronics, the Japanese government will give us the eco point. We can use eco point to change the other things like other eco-friendly home electronics, prepaid card or regional promotion ticket. The government have not decided this yet. We can get these option if we buy new eco-friendly home electronics.

But this campaign is not for all home electronics. It is only for air-conditioners, refrigerators and digital televisions. We can get additional points, if we replaced our old home electronics.

I didn't think they are caring about the ecology. They are planning to expand the special offer for express way users with ETC. In the Bon (mid-August), we might be able to drive the express way with ETC and 1,000 even in weekdays. I think, they are not really think about the global warming. They must aid to the JR or some other rail way companies to boost the usage of train. The trains are better way to reduce carbon dioxide. The cars will make traffic jams and carbon dioxide.

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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14 May 2009

They are lucky

The news surprised me. I found the news that Aoyama Gakuin University school of social informatics will give their all of students iPhone 3G to. They wish the student will use their iPhone and learn about ubiquitous computing. They will give 550 of iPhones to their students. They are lucky.

Also, the student don't have to pay basic charge. They will check their attendance rate, take some quiz, broadcast the movie of some classes, pass out the handout and etc... And they are planning to make new application for iPhone.

Of course, I'm not student of Aoyama Gakuin University. So, they don't give me a free iPhone. But I heard that they are planning to give iPhone to the students until next Tuesday...

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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13 May 2009

Who will be the next leader?

On Monday, “小沢一郎(Ichiro Ozawa)” announced that step down from his job as the leader of DPJ on Monday. DPJ is the Democratic Party of Japan. Now they are the largest opposition party in Japan. Of course, the largest party in Japan is the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). The leader of the LDP is also Japan’s prime minister. Japan’s prime minister is now “麻生太郎(Taro Aso)”.

Last year, the approval rate of Taro Aso was extremely low. At that time, many people thought that Ichiro Ozawa might be next prime minister, I think. But after the scandal of his secretary in March, his approval rate falled down...

According to some canvasses, most of Japanese think that he should step down from his job. Then approval rate of Taro Aso is now increasing. I think, he announced his step down now because they must think about next election. I don’t know when the election will be hold but this election will be hold in this year.

If they can win the election, they can be the largest party in Japan. Then Japan’s prime minister will be change again. I think, these years, Japan’s prime minister is changing every year. Of course, it is not good situation for all Japanese people. They must stop such political emergency. But I hope DPJ will win the next election because I think, they can change Japan.

Thank you.

Good day & Peace and Smile!

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12 May 2009

Message from me?

I think, every people don’t like spam mails. Most of PC users are wasting their precious time to treat these spam mails. Of course, there are a lot of filters that can automatically delete these spam mails. But most of cases, we need to check these mail boxes to find out “important mail(s)” because these filters are not perfect yet. I’m one of these people. I’m using some mail accounts including gmail. (I think, gmail’s filter is really useful.) And sometimes, I need to open the spam mail box to find out the “important mail(s)”.

Most of case, spam mails divided into “spam mail box” but sometimes, these spam mails divided into inbox. Today I found one of them. According to the spam mail, I can buy the new vaccine which efficient at swain flu. But I need to pay a lot of money to buy it.... Of course, I won’t buy this vaccine. I think, this spam mail is timely but it is not good commercial especially for me. I don’t want to buy medicines or vaccines online.

Anyway, I don’t like these spam mails. Do you like spam mails?

Thank you.

Good day & Peace and Smile!

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11 May 2009


I went to the Louvre museum on Saturday.

Of course, this is not true. It's hard to go to France...

But there are two exhibition of the Louvre in Tokyo that I wrote before. "国立新美術館(The national art center tokyo)" in Roppongi and "国立西洋美術館(the national museum of western art)" in Ueno. Then I went to "国立西洋美術館(the national museum of western art)" with my friends.

Fortunately, we didn't have to wait to buy ticket but we had to wait to entry. There were not so many people in the ticket counter but in the museum there were a lot of people...

There were a few pictures that I know. (I don't know much about these pictures...)

Anyway, I felt many Japanese likes Johannes Vermeer. If I have a chance, I wanna go to "国立新美術館(the national art center tokyo)" too.

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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08 May 2009

Two louvres in Tokyo

Now, we can enjoy two exhibition of the Louvre museum in Tokyo. I wanna visit both of them but I don't know I can visit or can't visit... One of them is holding in "国立西洋美術館(the national museum of western art)" in Ueno. Another one is in "国立新美術館(the national art center tokyo)" in Roppongi. I don't know much about these arts but I wanna know about these art. First of all, I wanna go these exhibitions and enjoy appreciate it.

I will go to "国立西洋美術館(the national museum of western art)" in Ueno tomorrow. I heard many people are visiting there. Tomorrow is Saturday then maybe many people visit there too. Maybe there are many people tomorrow... But I hope I can enjoy it. I might post my impression on Monday.

The exhibition of the Louvre museum in "国立新美術館(the national art center tokyo)" in Roppongi will be finished on 1st June. Then I don't have a much time... I hope I can go to "国立新美術館(the national art center tokyo)" before the exhibition will be finished.

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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07 May 2009

May sickness

Golden week have finished... I needed to go to the college from today... This golden week I had 7 straight holidays. I think, we can call it as “Short vacation”. After the short vacation, it is hard to return to the class, I think. Especially, today was really hard day... I had 4 classes today...

Anyway, I’ll write about “May sickness” today. In Japan, the schoolyear and fiscal year start on 1st April. Most of new workers and students started their new life in April. Then they spent short vacation “golden week”. They started tired of their new life routine. I heard some of them quit their job... I’m not so tired of my new life routine because my college is same as last year. So, I’m not patient of May sickness...

BTW, during the golden week most of people went drive. Many people drove their own car. During the golden week they can take special offer if they are using ETC. According to the news, the traffic jams occured on the express way increased doubled than last year’s golden week. Many people forgot about the global warming... lol

On the other hand, users of Shinkansen decreased 7% than last year’s golden week. Many people chose car as the better way to transport in this golden week. In my case, I chose train because I can’t drink if I drive the car... lol

Thank you.

Good day & Peace and Smile!

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01 May 2009


From today, my golden week have begun. But most of my golden week, I would work in part time. Because I can’t take a lot of time to earn money during the season of classes. I felt that I should do something different that I can’t do during the season of classes.

Then I went to the museum near my house. I was planning to go that museum during long time. I watched the exhibition of contemporary art in the morning. After that I went to library and read some books there. But I wanted to read some books that I couldn’t find in the library. Then I went to the book store. I posted about “本屋大賞(Honya taisho)” I wanted to read some nominated books.

I bought “告白(Kokuhaku)” by “湊かなえ(Kanae MINATO)”. But I couldn’t find “のぼうの城(Nobou no shiro)” by “和田竜(Ryu WADA)”. I read the “告白(Kokuhaku)” before I started to post this article. I could enjoy this story. I read some review on “amazon.com” but their reviews were so different. I think, half of them posted like “it’s nice story” or “I like it”. But a rest of them posted like “it’s not so enjoyable story” or “I don’t like it”. In my opinion, I like this story. If you have a chance, you should read this story...

After I bought this book, I changed tires of car and washed it. I don’t have a lot of time to drive the car. But sometimes, I drive the car. I like driving. :)
Do you like driving?

BTW, I will post new article on next Thursday. Update every “weekday” in Japan. GW is not “weekday”... Then I will post new article on next “weekday”, I mean Thursday. See you at that time.

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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