11 November 2009

One shot or two shot?

I heard the news that about vaccine against H1N1 flu. The government announced that we don't have to take two vaccine shot to prevent H1N1 flu. They are now trying to gather vaccines against H1N1 flu as many as possible, I felt. But some say we need more vaccines against H1N1 flu.

A little week ago, the government promoted that we should take 2 shot of vaccine against H1N1 flu. But they changed their plan. They announced that it's enough to prevent H1N1 flu even if we took only one shot of vaccine against H1N1 flu.

Now some people can take vaccine shot in hospital but I cannot take that vaccine right now. Because there's not enough vaccines in the hospitals. I don't know the vaccine is really effective against H1N1 flu but if I can, I wanna take the vaccine shot. I hope that the H1N1 flu will lose its influence very very soon.

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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