13 November 2009

I bought a new bicycle

Last week, I posted an article that about new bicycle that I reserved. I went to the bicycle store to buy that bicycle, today. Today is Friday the 13th but today is also Taian (大安).

Taian (大安) is the luckiest day in Rokuyo (六曜) of Japanese calendar. Rokuyo (六曜) is the 6 day cycle in Japanese calendar. Japanese people still tend to buy or start something in Taian (大安). Especially, the most of Japanese want to hold wedding on Taian. I heard that Taian day is the most expensive day to hold wedding in the wedding centres in Japan.

Many want to get married on Taian but many don't want to get married on Butsumetsu (仏滅). Butsumetsu (仏滅) is the worst day in Rokuyo. I heard that the Rokuyo came from China and became popular in Edo era(江戸時代).

Anyway, today's weather was not so good... It was raining but when I bought bicycle, the weather was cloudy... So, I lost the chance to ride my bicycle today. I wished I could ride the bicycle much time today but I couldn't... I could ride a little bit today, but I hope I will be able to ride the bicycle on Monday.

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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