27 April 2009

Golden week has begun?

First of all, I need to explain about “golden week” to you. There’s “golden week” in Japan. But it is not like gold rush... lol It’s a straight holidays in May. There’s many national holidays between end of April and beginning of May. 29th April is “昭和の日(Day of Showa)”. 3rd May is “憲法記念日(Constitution memorial day)”. 4th May is “みどりの日(Day of Midori)”. 5th May is “こどもの日(Kids’ day)”. In this year we can have 16 straight holidays....

But I will have 6 straight holidays, because I need to go to the college. According to the news, we can take 16 straight holidays if we can take some day off. We need to take day off on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of this week... :(

I think, it is impossible for usual Japanese... But this amazing straight holidays realized because of this recession. Some employees are planning to take this 16 straight holidays...

Anyway, this 16 straight holidays is not a “Golden week”, I think. We need to say like “Golden weeks”... lol So, if I took some day off, I might in this “Golden weeks”. Because this “Golden weeks” must be started on 25th April...

In “Golden week” many people will go to abroad or go trip. We can take holidays easily especially this year, and we are lucky because Japanese yen is really expensive now. Then we can buy many things in the world cheaper than usual...

Not only trips for foreign countries.
If we go trip using our own car with ETC, we can take the special offer for ETC users. We can go many places using high way with only 1,000 yen (about 10 USD).

But I don’t have a big plan like go abroad yet... I wanna visit gallery if I can. Then I might go to gallery during my “golden week”.

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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