03 June 2010

What is baobab

This is a photo of Pepsi's limited flavor "baobab". I forgot how many limited flavors did they released. But there are many and I posted about these limited flavors in these years. You may find these articles that I posted before, if you search it.

Anyway, I didn't know the word "baobab", but I could know a little bit about "baobab" from the label of this bottle. According to that, "baobab" is large tree that grow in Africa continent.

I think, it is not edible. So, I don't know why they decided to choose "baobab" as their limited flavor.

I like this flavor. I think, "Pepsi baobab" is the best flavor in their limited flavors such as "ice cucumber", "Azuki" and so on. If you have a chance to drink it, you should try it! But I think, you can buy it only in Japan and only in this summer...

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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