09 July 2010

Why I decided to vote for candidate who is younger than 50 yrs old

Next Sunday, we have an election of upper house. And of course, I'm going to vote for someone from the candidates. But I decided to vote for the candidate who is younger than 50 years old. There are several reasons and I wanna write a little bit about that today.

Most of the member of the diet are older than 50 years old. Also the cabinet formed with aged members. For example, average age of the cabinet member is 59.0 years old when Naoto Kan formed it. Before Naoto Kan, Yukio Hatoyama formed the cabinet which average age was 60.7 years old when it started.

So, most of them will be able to get pension in 5 years. I don't think they must retire soon, but they should choose younger members. (I know this is disrespect opinion, but I wanna write) I don't think they are thinking the future of Japan seriously. They are thinking just few next years, because they are going to retire in a few years. I think, this is why there are many dole-out policies these years.

Also, there is a problem. Most of young voters didn't vote in election. So, I think the candidates started to focus on the old voters because they will vote. Because of this, the parties carry the policy which works good for old person. And young voters lose their attention from the politics. ( they don't go to the election again ) ... Well, we are in bad spiral, I think. They might say "government of the aged people, by the aged people, for the aged people". Of course, I'm joking.

Anyway, I have only a suffrage but it might change the politics and I will bet on that.

Thank you.

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