21 June 2010

naked dance

I didn't have positive image on Yukio Hatoyama, Japanese former Prime Minister. I felt he was not thinking his joub seriously. But these days, I had 2 chances to know more about him.

First of all, I've got a resume of his presentation at Tokyo Institute of Technology on 5th June. I didn't attend that presentation because I'm not student of Tokyo Institute of Technology and I didn't know that he would make his presentation there.

Anyway, after I read the resume, I could know about his opinion a little bit, And I felt he is kind of idealist. He believe that Japan need more doctor course students for innovation and I agree with his opinion in this point, but I don't think his opinion to aid for all of public senior-high school students are not so good. (This system has already been enforced...) I think, it will not trigger to increase number of doctor course students. I think, there are other better ways to increase it.

Secondly, the video. The video on top is Dreak Sivers's presentation at TED. I sometimes watch TED's video on YouTube but I didn't watch it until I read Yukio Hatoyama's tweet. He tweeted "「裸踊り」をさせて下さったみなさん、有難うございました(Thank you for all of my supporters who joined my naked dance*)", some people pointed that he wanted to say about the presentation that Dreak Sivers made at TED.

The title of his presentation is "How to start a movement". I could understand that why Yukio Hatoyama tweeted such word on Twitter after his resignation.

*I translated his tweet into English, but I think there are better translation.

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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