07 June 2010

How long will he stay in office?

The approval rating for Yukio Hatoyama's cabinet was just 19.1% (http://sankei.jp.msn.com/politics/situation/100605/stt1006051704012-n1.htm). Most of the cabinet stayed in office, just the Prime Minister of Japan have changed to Naoto Kan. But the approval rating for Naoto Kan's cabinet marked 36.1% and 57.6% of people have positive image on Naoto Kan.

Anyway, the election will be hold in July or later and at that time the candidates could use the internet during the campaign... If the bill could be passed...

I wrote about that before. At that time, I wrote the bill will be passed soon and the candidates will be able to use the internet during the campaign from this summer's election of the house of councillors. But after the resignation of Yukio Hatoyama, it seems be difficult to pass in current Diet session.

If the bill could not be passed in current Diet session, it will be used on the next election that will be hold 3 years later... 3 years... How do you think about that?

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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