12 January 2010

Nikumaki Onigiri

These days, I'm using Twitter as I wrote before and I'm trying to tweet once in a day. I think, it's tough and sometimes I forgot to tweet... lol

I got the information about souvenir of Miyazaki prefecture (宮崎県) on Twitter. He told me that we can buy "肉巻きおにぎり(Nikumaki rice ball)" in Tokyo too. "肉巻きおにぎり(Nikumaki rice ball)" is one of the souvenirs of Miyazaki prefecture. I didn't know about that but he told me that.

Last week, I went to the shop that we can buy "肉巻きおにぎり(Nikumaki rice ball)". It was really delicious and I want to try this again! If you have a chance to eat "肉巻きおにぎり(Nikumaki rice ball)", you should try this! The photo on top is the "肉巻きおにぎり(Nikumaki rice ball)" that I ate last week.

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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