15 October 2008

Action blog

Today is the blog action day. Today's theme is "Poverty". Then let's get it started.

Most of people will write about poverty of the developing world I believe. Then, I won't write about such story. Because I believe that many people think, this is big problem and we need to act to improve it.

I'll write about poverty in Japan. But it is not about working poor or homeless person. It is about Japan's food self-sufficiency ratio.

I think, we Japanese are in poverty too. Japan's food self-sufficiency ratio is 40%. Most of cheap foods that selling in supermarket are from China. And these years, there are some problem. Especially, frozen foods.

I posted the article about that in this year ( I forgot when I posted it but I posted it in this year). But these days, unveiled that there are more poison foods came from China. For example, milk, french bean, bean jam and etc... These poison foods are spreading all over the world like pet foods and milks.

I think, Chinese government have to act to improve these problems. If they ignore these problems, they will lose their trusts.

But Japanese government also have to act to improve these problems. If Japan's food self-sufficiency ratio is not low, we don't have to import such cheap, poison food from China. If Japan's food self-sufficiency ratio improved, quality of foods from China might improve. I believe so.

Also, this action will be good for the environment. If we won't import foods from overseas, we can reduce energy to transport. That might stop global warming.

First, I'll try to buy foods that from Japan, not from overseas.

Thank you for your reading!
Good day & Peace and Smile!

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