30 December 2009

review 2009

It's almost 30th December! I've started to post my blog every weekday since August last year. So, this year I've already posted 236 articles in this year. This is the new record in my blog since 2006. So, I will review my articles in this post... lol I'm using Google Analytics to check visitors, popular articles, where visitors from, and etc. First, the result of 5 most viewed articles in this year.

TOP 5 articles (1st January - 29th December)
  1. Ultra realistic paper craft (61 pageviews)
  2. Studying English for Eiken (44 pageviews)
  3. Nana mail (43 pageviews)
  4. Toshocard (39 pageviews )
  5. buzzwords 2009 (27 pageviews)
(I excepted the top page but it marked 1,503 pageviews.)

TOP 5 countries/territories the visitors from
  1. Japan (870 visits)
  2. United States (395 visits)
  3. Canada (57 visits)
  4. Malaysia (44 visits)
  5. Brazil (37 visits)
(Visitors came from 67 countries/territories in this year)

Anyway, 1,655 visitors read my blog and marked 2,243 pageviews in this year. Thank you very much!
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