18 December 2009


There were decorated buildings, lights, trees... Today I saw the
luxury illumination at 六本木(Roppongi). There are some areas
that we can see these luxury illumination and 六本木(Roppongi)
is one of these areas. This year the illumination at 表参道
(Omotesando) restarted, that illumination didn't hold in past few
years. (I forgot exactly how long it is)

Japanese spend romantic time with partner in Chiristmas season. Some
native English speaking teacher told me that is not 'real' Christmas.
I didn't know that but according to her, we should spend with family
in Christmas. Maybe most of Japanese are misunderstanding about
Christmas. And maybe this is the reason that why there are many
illumination spots in Japan.

I wish I was able to show you some pictures of these illuminations.
But I cannot do this right now...

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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Christen said...

Christmas is mainly a religious (Christian) holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. But I think its becoming less religious and more universal. It's true that in the west, Christmas is more about being with family. But that doesn't mean the Japanese is not celebrating the "real" Christmas. They're just celebrating a different kind of Christmas.

Your teacher maybe surprised to find out that scientists believe that Jesus was not born in December. She may also be surprise to know that Christmas wasn't always a Christian holiday. Christmas originated as a Pagan (異教徒??) Holiday in ancient Europe as a celebration of Winter. So you can say, most Westerners aren't celebrating the "real" Christmas either. LOL.

Masaya said...

Thanks Chris,

I didn't know that. Maybe I should know more about religious things...