29 September 2009

Maneki neko

Turn on the radio in the morning is one of my daily routines. Of course, I turned on the radio this morning too. Sometimes, I can get new things through the radio. I could get the latest news from radio too. But I can get other things too.

This morning, I heard about the Maneki neko day. Today is the Maneki neko(招き猫) day. Maneki neko is Japanese Engimono(縁起物). Engimono are items that invite happiness or good fortune. There's many engimono in Japan. And Maneki neko is decorated figure of seating cat. The cat is holding up one hand.

There's two type of Maneki neko. The one is holding up right hand. This Maneki neko invite economic fortune. Another one is holding up left hand. This one invite people. Then some restaurants decorating Maneki neko. I don't know exactly about its colors, but there's some colors and it have different meanings I heard.

I wish I could upload some photos of Maneki neko but I couldn't find Maneki neko today...

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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