17 September 2009

Extra issue

This is not extra issue this is regular issue. But yesterday, I found
the person who was passing out the extra issue of newspaper. I
couldn't get it because many people were trying to get that. There
were too many people so, I gave up to get it.

I couldn't get it but I could know the headline of that extra issue. I
forgot the exact title of that extra issue but that was "the Hatoyama
cabinet inaugurated".

On 30th August, the DPJ won over 300 seats in the House of
Representatives. And on 15th September, Taro Aso retired from his
position Japan's prime minister and Yukio Hatoyama inaugurated as
Japan's prime minister.

I heard that his paper looks anti-American. The NEw York Times and
some other newspapers issued his paper with radical title. But I
didn't feel so. I felt that he wanted to say in the paper is not anti-
American. He just pointed that the globalization that the United
States lead was too excessive.

Anyway, I have some claims for the new cabinet. But today I'm not
going to write my claims for the new cabinet. If I have a time, I want
to write it.

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!

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