20 April 2010

How to pronounce it?

I heard the news that half of Europe's flight will be in the air from today. I think, this news must be welcomed for many many people. I don't have any schedule to visit Europe this year, but I also welcomed this news, because my friends couldn't go back to Japan... (but I wanna visit their some day.)

Anyway, I'm listening to BBC's podcasting (NewsPod) on my iPhone and I used to listen about the eruption of volcano in Iceland. But I think, I've never heard the name of volcano on the podcasting. I also read TIME magazine (both online version and printed version) and there are some useful information for me, because they are also writing about the volcano and their are name of volcano!

I found the name of volcano but I was wondering how to pronounce it... "Eyjafjallajokull"...

Of course, I'm checking Japanese news such as the Yomiuri Shimbun, NHK and other news medias. But I've never heard that they pronounce the volcano's name... Mostly they read as "volcano in Iceland...".

I wanted to know how to pronounce the volcano name "Eyjafjallajokull", so I searched it on Wikipedia. And I found the audio clip on Wikipedia... I also searched on Wikipedia (Japanese version) and I've got how to write it in Japanese. In Japanese "Eyjafjallajokull" is "エイヤフィヤットラヨークトル". Now I can pronounce it, but it's tough for me... lol

Anyway, I hope all of flights will be available soon!

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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Christen said...

LOL, I can't pronounce it either. I heard once on a radio talk show that the Icelandic language is one of the hardest languages to learn.

Masaya said...

Maybe no one can pronounce it smoothly... lol