25 December 2010

This is it

After I tracked Santa Claus on my iPhone's map, I watched Michael Jackson's "this is it" on TV. I wish I could watch the film at the theatre, but I couldn't do so. Then I was looking forward to watch the film on TV, because I know that the TV station would broadcast "this is it" on Christmas eve!

The programme started at 7pm. According to the TV programme lists, the programme would end at 11pm. I felt it's too long for "this is it". But I started to watch it from 7pm.

So, first 90 minutes was not "this is it". It was just show. There were some cast and they were talking about Michael Jackson. I think, they should be dancers or musicians, but they were not dancers nor musicians...

Well, first 90 minutes was so boring for me because I know most of the stories that they were talking.

Anyway, I felt the film was great. But if I could I wanted watch his live! Of course, we cannot do that forever...

Thank you.

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