15 May 2009

Eco point

From today, the Japanese government started the new policy to boost the economy. But this time they are caring about ecology too. "The eco point." If we buy new eco-friendly home electronics, the Japanese government will give us the eco point. We can use eco point to change the other things like other eco-friendly home electronics, prepaid card or regional promotion ticket. The government have not decided this yet. We can get these option if we buy new eco-friendly home electronics.

But this campaign is not for all home electronics. It is only for air-conditioners, refrigerators and digital televisions. We can get additional points, if we replaced our old home electronics.

I didn't think they are caring about the ecology. They are planning to expand the special offer for express way users with ETC. In the Bon (mid-August), we might be able to drive the express way with ETC and 1,000 even in weekdays. I think, they are not really think about the global warming. They must aid to the JR or some other rail way companies to boost the usage of train. The trains are better way to reduce carbon dioxide. The cars will make traffic jams and carbon dioxide.

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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