22 May 2009

Different domain

I'm majoring electronics engineering. Sometimes, I need to make presentation in some classes. I made a presentation today. Most of case, I used to use PowerPoint when I make presentation. But today, I couldn't use PowerPoint because the teacher didn't allow to use the PowerPoint.

He said, the ability that make a presentation without using PowerPoint is important. I think so too. Mostly, we need to take a long time to make PowerPoint if we use PowerPoint on our presentation. We must cut these time to learn, study or think more to make a presentation.

BTW, in today's class, we need to make a presentation about the religion in the world. I think, it is very rare class because Japanese don't like to take these classes. Japanese people's religion belief is different from the one in Europe or other countries, I think. We don't go to the church on Sunday, we don't pray (sometimes, we pray but they are not related to religion), we don't Ramadan fast... And there are no religious education in every public schools and some of private schools. Including my college.

Anyway, I made a presentation about the Borobudur Temple compound today. I've never been there but I was wondering about the Borobudur Temple compound. Then I tried to make a presentation about that. I felt that it is difficult to make a presentation without using PowerPoint. But I think this was a very good experience for me.

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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