15 August 2008

It's like squall

These days, the weather is really nice and hot. Especially today was extremely hot. But the weather would change rapidly even in urban side. Clear sky would turn to dark sky with sudden clap of thunder. After that, heavy rain come.

Japan's weather forecast company "Weathernews" called that as "ゲリラ豪雨(Guerrilla gouu)". "豪雨(gouu)" means heavy rain. They called it like that because "ゲリラ豪雨" is heavy rain that would appear suddenly and disappear rapidly. And it is really hard to forecast with computer but if you look up to the sky it is easy to know. If you find dark cloud, it is prelude of "ゲリラ豪雨".

Then Weathernews decided that start forecast "ゲリラ豪雨" with site users. The system is simple. When site users find dark cloud send e-mail to the company. Then the company judge it and send warning to site users who are there.

I'm using Weathernews' site with my computer but not with my mobile phone. So, I didn't register the site and I don't send e-mail even when I found dark cloud. But I can't get warning e-mail when "ゲリラ豪雨" would come. But Weathernews' site is really useful. So, check it yourself! URL is "http://weathernews.com".

Thank you for your reading!
Good day & Peace and Smile!

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