17 February 2009

Japanese in the World

There are two Japanese who be on the news these days, I think. One of them is Japanese author. And another one is Japanese politician.

Do you know the Jerusalem prize? I didn't know until the one Japanese author won the award this year.  Jerusalem prize is kind of literary award. It is Israel's highest literary honors for foreign authors like him.

And that Japanese author is 村上春樹(Haruki Murakami). I like his novels. "Kafka on the Shore", "Norwegian Wood" and "The wind-up bird chronicles" are famous novels that he wrote, I think. But it is very rare appear in public.

One more thing. Japan's financial minister Shoichi Nakagawa. Did you see the press conference at G7. Some media broadcasted like "He was being drunk at that conference"... 

Yesterday, he said like "I was not being drunk at that conference". Some media broadcasted like "He was caught cold and he took too many medicine before the conference". I don't know what is the real thing but he resigned his job today. The replacement is Kaoru Yosano.

But I think, there is one big problem more than this problem. Japan's prime minister Taro Aso's support rate got only 9% on Sunday. Of course, it was before the Shoichi Nakagawa had behaved like drunk at press conference.

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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