26 December 2007

Mix of culture

Merry Xmas
A Happy New Year

There are only few days until the new year will come.
In this season some Japanese salesclerk will be very busy, I think. Because until 25 they have to adorn their stores with Xmas decorations and after that they have to adorn their stores with new year decorations.

I don't know exactly but many countries like the United States don't change Xmas decorations until the new year will come. But in Japan, we have "お正月(Oshogatsu)". And "お正月(Oshogatsu)" is one of the biggest events in Japan. It is our traditional events in Japan so, we can't ignore it. And many shop owners will decorate their shops for "お正月(Oshogatsu)".

I'll tell you one of "お正月(Oshogatsu)" decoration. I uploaded 2 photos in above on this article, one on left side is Xmas leaf. And one on right side is "門松(Kadomatsu)". Some shops and offices put it in front of their building or entrances. It is usually put it in pair (left side and right side), we can see it during "お正月(Oshogatsu)", I mean from December 20 to January 15.

But I wrote before, many shop owners decorated their shop for Xmas then, most of shop will put it after 25, December. And I saw that work yesterday. After their shop closed, they changed their Xmas decorations to new decorations. I think, it is very hard work and unusual.

Thank you for your reading!
Good day & Peace and Smiles!

*I used 2 photos from "http://freeillust.jugem.jp/".
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