08 May 2009

Two louvres in Tokyo

Now, we can enjoy two exhibition of the Louvre museum in Tokyo. I wanna visit both of them but I don't know I can visit or can't visit... One of them is holding in "国立西洋美術館(the national museum of western art)" in Ueno. Another one is in "国立新美術館(the national art center tokyo)" in Roppongi. I don't know much about these arts but I wanna know about these art. First of all, I wanna go these exhibitions and enjoy appreciate it.

I will go to "国立西洋美術館(the national museum of western art)" in Ueno tomorrow. I heard many people are visiting there. Tomorrow is Saturday then maybe many people visit there too. Maybe there are many people tomorrow... But I hope I can enjoy it. I might post my impression on Monday.

The exhibition of the Louvre museum in "国立新美術館(the national art center tokyo)" in Roppongi will be finished on 1st June. Then I don't have a much time... I hope I can go to "国立新美術館(the national art center tokyo)" before the exhibition will be finished.

Thank you.
Good day & Peace and Smile!
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Mikako said...

This is my first comment to your blog.
once i've passed the side of 国立西洋美術館,and it's owesome.that means, the museum itself so big and beautiful. i think it's worth visiting there if you are not interested in louvres or not.
and i'm goin there in this summer.

Masaya said...

Thanks Mikako.
I went to 国立西洋美術館 on Saturday. Not only the exhibition, I could enjoy the museum itself...